Look around your home. Are you two pieces of furniture or one more stack of newspapers away from being called a hoarder? Does it look like your only hope is a backhoe and a bonfire? Is it impossible to find lost shoes and necessary kitchen equipment?
Look around your office. Is the printer hidden under a 25-year old set of sales catalogues? Does your desk look like a crazed animal is using it for a den?
You may not realize it, but even subconsciously, clutter and lack of organization can cause stress. You can’t locate essential household items and critical documents. You can’t think logically because of the mess, which leads to your being unable to complete any task. Stress causes a multitude of negative physical and mental disorders. You can alleviate the stress of disorganization by taking control of the situation and finding a safe, clean, and secure storage facility.
Begin by sorting your possessions.
Give yourself the space and time that you need to be peaceful, productive, and prosperous.
When you visualize a situation, you create a mental image. It could be a mental image of your dream home, you dream vacation, or your dream car. Maybe you create a vision board, depicting these things and how you plan to acquire them. You can expand your perspective by creating a mental image for your life and how you see yourself in the future. Most genuinely happy people have a clear vision for their life. When you visualize yourself doing something, your training your mind for the real thing.
When you’re trying to visualize you need to: find a quiet place, clear your mind, and imagine your goals.
Find a Quiet Place
Finding a quiet place amid confusion is almost impossible. When your home or office is crowded and cluttered, it takes too much mental muscle to redirect your thinking.
Clear Your Mind
To clear your mind, you need to close your eyes and relax. It’s hard to be comfortable and quiet when your mind is a mess because your space is a mess.
Imagine Your Goals
Think about how your want your life to be. Do you want it to be disorderly, muddled, and untidy; or, do you want order, serenity, and calm?
This is where storage aligns with your vision. Visualize what it would be like to have a clean, secure space to store the clutter. No more tripping over unnecessary items, no more searching for critical materials and documents, and no more crowding. When your space is full of clutter, your mind is full of clutter. When your space is orderly, your mind is orderly. You’ve taken the first step to the life you envision.
What is minimalism?
This word is surrounded by a great deal of hype. Every time you read a magazine, do an internet search, or watch a TV talk show, you see or hear the current buzzword, “minimalism.” The perspective behind this word has led to many misunderstandings that overshadow a very positive meaning. Most interpretations of this concept are probably far beyond your own idea of living a life that is meaningful to you.
Don’t feel that you must adhere to a set of rigid rules that you’ve picked up here and there. Minimalism does not mean that you dispose of your possessions and sit on the floor in empty rooms, sleeping on a mattress in the corner. It does not mean that you purge your life of everything that you hold dear. It does not mean that you lower your standards.
Minimalism is soul searching. It is being true to yourself and finding your own perfect sense of the balance.
Minimalism at home store everything else
For example, you may be feeling undecided about the style or design of your home. Eliminating everything without any thought is scary; you just need time to think about your perspective. Having a safe place to keep the items about which you’re undecided can free your thinking and help you make levelheaded decisions.
Or, maybe you just cannot part with the little piece of blanket left from your baby’s infancy, or that first little rocking horse. You can minimize by removing them from your home, but never from your life.
Remember, this is about you. You don’t really have to “give up” your treasures. Look beyond the external noise, and find your own “less is more.”